There is not much to say about Cancun; it is a prime tourist destination with the third busiest airport in the world during the pandemic. It also didn’t exist 50 years ago.
It is hard for me to comprehend Cancun as a whole because, well, I didn’t really see what others see. I was on the tourist strip, the part of Cancun where most hotels and attractions are, only once. And at the time it was empty(ish) because of the raging pandemic. Most of my time was spent in the self-enclosed Puerto Cancun, the rich part of the city, with the common excursions to the poor-er non-touristy parts (e.g. Mercado 23).
The good part of the trip has been spent in car(s). And the reason for that is quite simple: it was safer. Both COVID-wise and me-carrying-a-very-expensive-camera(s)-wise, “hidden” and poorer parts of Cancun are better seen from a battered car. Was this overly cautious? Probably. But I didn’t want to get my cameras stolen at the very end of my trip.
And most of the pictures in these area were taken from the car window.
Also given the way things are, between the “hurricane” and the pandemia, we’ve spent a lot of time in the apartment. Naturally, I’ve taken many pictures there as well.