I had a great misfortune to be born in the same year as Justin Bieber which makes me just old enough to remember original Pokemon. In hindsight I've bluffed my way through life, often taking a different perspective on what success is than most people. Some of my greatest achievements, by my own standard mind you, include:
making a cheesecake at the age of 7
never dreaming of becoming an astronaut [1]
getting an outstanding high-school degree with some of the highest absence-rate in recorded history
getting a college degree in computer science whilst trying to study biology
My minor superpower is gravitating towards the most expensive item in any given store and my spirit animal is a house cat [2].
I've spent some time interning at Microsoft Azure which earned me a patent and enough money for a bicycle [3] and a camera. I also used to work as a research assistant [4] at PRO Unlimited (I can't legally say that I worked for Facebook AI Research), under supervision of Professor Lorenzo Torresani (who does work for Facebook AI Research). Now I’m in a middle of the PhD [5]. For my research work, please look here.
Good writing is not one of my virtues, but I love making lists, so here are some (mildly) interesting facts about me:
1995: swam for the first time
got my first personal computer early on and had an unfortunate experience of having Windows ME installed on it
2007: won my first medal at an age-group national championship
2008: won my first age-group national championship
2009: got my first real camera
2010: visited my second continent
2012: learned how to dance
2014: went to college in the US
2014: read the entire Sandman series in less than a week
2014: made this blog
2015: decided not to drink for a year
2017: forgot how to dance
2017: published a paper
2017: participated in a cycling race
2018: made it through 4 years at Dartmouth and have a paper to prove it
2019: was deported from the US
2019: visited a third continent
2020: living through a COVID19 pandemic
2020: decided that earning money is overrated and went back to even posher school
2023: visited my fourth continent
2024: was re-imported to the US
And some ongoing things you'd might like to know:
in the period from 2005 to 2019, I've done on average 200 flip-turns a day
the number of countries I want to visit at any given time is approximately 150
read comic strips daily;
selected favourites are: Frazz, Garfield, Pearls Before Swine, xkcd, Oglaf, Foxtrot (both classics and regular issues), Calvin & Hobbes
[1] Like most kids, I wanted to be a different thing every week and according to my grandma, astronaut was never one of them. For some reason, I wanted to be a tram driver for quite a long time
[2] I can sleep 18 hours a day, have zero attention span, and am on a good day a nuisance
[3] They pay really well, but bicycles are expensive
[4] My manager tried to hire me as a postdoctoral researcher, but was met with some logistical difficulties as apparently you have to be a doctor to do so.
[5] Donations in food and photographic film are welcome