Meditating on photography

For the longest time, I've been looking for ways to improve my writing, but couldn't quite find the exact format or venue to pursue this effort in. However, as a big fan of podcasts, I've recently run into Jeffery Saddoris' Iterations.

They are his thoughts and musings on various parts of life as a creative professional. He describes them as "observations and reflections, mostly around visual arts and my own creativity", but to me, they really feel like a conversation with himself. I found them interesting because I often meditate about seemingly unrelated things that people said to me, and tend to develop them into miniature conversations of my own. For a long time, I couldn't find the right way of getting them out from my head to the world, but I think the Iterations would be a great template to start from. It is also accidental that it is a great way to put the pen onto the proverbial paper.

And since the idea started with a meditation, it seemed like this would be an appropriate name.

Due to time restrictions and life getting in the way, there will be a few simple rules and guidelines:

  1. One every 2 weeks, written on Saturday, published on Sunday

  2. 20 minutes to write: a fountain pen and paper first draft

  3. 30 minutes edit: publish the second draft

  4. Substance over style

  5. Learning over perfection

I'll try to document the journey on substack, so give me a follow there if you find this interesting.

Meditation: a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject.


Meditation #1: how to read photo books

