Mexico journal: on culture (Xcaret part 2)
Yucatan is in itself is a fascinating place to have a discussion regarding culture. Remains of some of the most advanced civilisations can be found there […] Despite the rich history, the towns I spent time in didn’t exist 50 years ago. This is to say that Yucatan is not a place where what I know and think of the Mexican culture actually started. It is one large tourist scam with ancient ruins peppered around for good measure.
Mexico journal: Xcaret (part 1)
Tamy’s dad said that it’s the only piece of culture along the cost aside from the Mayan ruins, and I think that is exactly what Xcaret is - rather than (or maybe better said, in addition to) being a way to extract money from tourists, it a platform for cultural conservation of all regions of Mexico.
Quarantine coffee #3 - Electric Coffee Company
Electric Coffee Company are genuinely cool, farm-to-cup small producers, trying to make it in London’s rough and ever-growing competition. All of that whilst ethically sourcing all of their coffee and building a small community of coffee lovers in Ealing.
Quarantine coffee #2 - Assembly Coffee Roasters
Here is (with much delay) the second round of quarantine coffee - a series of posts where I explore my experiences with different coffee roasters around London. I comment on their ordering process (damn quarantine), flavours of the coffees, or any grievances or particularities regarding said coffee and/or the roaster. My goal this quarantine was to explore as many coffee roasters as I possibly could to both try different things and support the local economy as much as I can. Having said that, I’m in no way a coffee expert nor am I invested in speciality coffee so take what you read here with a grain of salt :)
Bruno in Mejico
Thanks to my new and flexible job, I’ve ended up in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. It’s been great fun so far and I expect to start posting pictures once I’m back (sadly, due to things being closed and unemployment rate going through the roof, I’m not 100% comfortable carrying my camera around as I would do in London.
Quarantine coffee #1 - Square Mile Coffee
We have been closed-up inside our apartment 2 months now, and as a consequence, I’ve been responsible for my own coffee at that time. Like many people, I took this opportunity to grow and expand their knowledge of coffee, and get familiar with the local roasters and support the local businesses that are struggling at these hard times. Whilst technically the first two coffees I had were from Cogito and Round Hill Roastery, both some of my favourites, I only had one at the time and it was hard to compare them to other selections. Thus the first real comparison comes from the London staple, Square Mile.
Dartmouth Sugar Shack
Middle of March is usually the end of maple sugaring season. I’ve almost managed to spend four years at Dartmouth without ever visiting its maple farm [1].
What is it like to own a classic Hasselblad
Almost exactly 6 months ago, I bought myself a gift for my 25th birthday - a classic Hasselblad I named “Haso”. While owning something for the sake of owning it seems (and is) materialistic, it was one of my dreams for a long long time that I was finally able to make come true, thanks to Ward and Adrian of the amazing Camera Museum in London. Here are some thoughts, tips and tricks, and finally warnings that nobody told me about before getting into the Hasselblad system.
Gamcheon Culture Village
One of my favourite places we have visited in Korea was Gamcheon Village in Busan. According to wikipedia, the “village has been reborn as Busan’s most colourful and artistic spot”. Here are a few images from the visit there.
Street photography workshop
Last weekend, I used this “resolution” to join Josh and Sean for a workshop and, at the same time, test out the X-Pro3, which I was lucky enough to get on the same day it was released. Here are some pics from the workshop and my observations about the entire experience. I don’t find any of these images particularly noteworthy - they are snapshots rather than “unrepeatable moments”.
Is Amazon changing music industry?
“It’s hard to get high-resolution digital files - they are only distributed through a couple of websites and tend to be quite expensive” Nebojsa told me some 10 years ago while we were listening to Dire Straits’ Private Investigations on a Marantz reference system and, if I recall correctly, the 800D3 Bowers speakers in Sonus Art’s listening room.
Video in torchvision
It is my absolute pleasure to say that video is now a first-class citizen in PyTorch!
The Grand Tour
I’m going to miss the format, the laughs it created, the memories it forever immortalized for me, and the wistful thoughts going back. These guys are fantastic, and it’s just a shame I’ll never be able to say “thanks” to them in person. It felt like they were “in person” to me.